The salt you eat, or more accurately its sodium content is the single most dangerous component of the typical American diet. Don't get me wrong. SOME salt is necessary to sustain life - but you probably consume almost 10 times more sodium than is required for healthy living. Excess sodium causes your body to retain water, and the excess water puts extra strain on your kidneys to excrete it. Over a long enough period of time, this can cause kidney damage.. It also contributes to hypertension (high blood pressure) obesity, edema, thyroid disease and even osteoporosis. It is especially dangerous to your heart because it causes the small blood vessels to constrict, causing significant extra strain on your heart muscle.
Almost all the excess salt you consume comes from the processed foods you eat. Why use a seasoning that contains any salt at all? Because salt substitutes made from potassium and other chemicals just don’t have the taste nor do they satisfy most people's cravings for salt.
Super*Good Low Sodium All-Purpose Seasoning with 15% sodium, contains only 90 mg per 1/4 tsp, compared to a whopping 590 mg per 1/4 tsp for iodized salt.
It will taste even better than salt! It will satisfy your salt craving and become your "go-to" seasoning for just about everything you eat. I promise!